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ชื่อบทความ(Eng): The vegetation structure of the Songkhla Lake area through the woody plants architectural models
ชื่อผู้แต่ง(ไทย): -
เลขที่หน้า: 7  ถึง 29
ปี: 2559
ปีที่: 8
ฉบับที่: 1   แสดงบทความทั้งหมดของฉบับ
     The architectural model analysis of the woody plants in the Songkhla Lake Basin had been conducted from May 2014 to April 2015. Eighty four woody plant species were recognized with their models of architecture which were grouped into 19 models according to Hallé et al. (1978) i.e. Attim’s model, Aubréville’s model, Chamberlain’s model, Champagnat’s model, Cook’s model, Corner’s model, Holttum’s model, Koriba’s model, Leeuwenberg’s model, Leeuwenberg/Rauh’s model, Mangenot’s model,Massart’s model, Petit’s model, Rauh’s model, Rauh/Koriba’s model, Roux’s model, Schoute’s model, Tomlinson’s model and Troll’s model. The most dominant architectural model was Champagnat (21%), followed by Roux (14%), Attim and Leeuwenberg (11%), respectively. The architectural models of woody plants found in the Songkhla Lake Basin could be considered as good characters in recognition of the woody plant species. It had, moreover, supported in recognition of the relic vegetations out of the man-made plantations due to the agriculture and/or reforestation.  
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